Title:  TBD





Monday Lunch and Learn - Agilent Technologies
sandwich also Includes Kettle Chips, Pasta Salad, Seasonal Whole Fruit, Chocolate Chip Cookie. Please select one.

Title:  Digital Membrane Chromatography.


Abstract: Electric fields within chromatography membranes provide a third dimension for biomolecule capture, concentration and elution using ion-exchange and affinity membranes. Membranes with a conductive surface permit an electric potential to be applied enabling a reversal of biomolecular charge facilitating elution with multiple cycles. Instantaneous Digital Membrane Chromatography (DMC) reduces dilution and analytical or process time. Molecular degradation resulting from extreme pH is eliminated. Biomolecules with proximal pI’s can be separated.


Author/Presenter: Dr. Stephan Brinke-Seiferth

Monday Lunch and Learn - i3 Membrane
sandwich also Includes Kettle Chips, Pasta Salad, Seasonal Whole Fruit, Chocolate Chip Cookie. Please select one.

Title: Effective and simultaneous aggregate and HCP reduction via flow-through mixed-mode chromatography in Mab purification- Detailed HCP clearance analysis by UHPLC-HRAM MS/MS.


Abstract: Advances in the design of engineered monoclonal antibody (mAb)–based therapeutics are generating a wide range of novel, efficacious biomolecules, but their manufacturing can also form ispaired products, fragments, and high levels of aggregation. Traditional downstream process steps developed for standard impurity reduction, such as HCPs, struggle to remove these high molecular weight (HMW) impurities while maintaining high yield and sufficient process economics. New polishing strategies need to be developed. In this talk, high monomer recovery and impurity reduction results will be shared from the purification of a high aggregate mAb feedstock post affinity capture using Thermo Scientific™ POROS™ Caprylate Mixed-Mode Cation Exchange Chromatography Resin in flow-through mode. A particular focus is given to the identification and quantitation of HCP impurities both pre and post mixed-mode polish using HPLC-MS/MS 2 . Results show excellent clearance of HMW species and total HCPs, and hard-to-remove and high-risk HCPs were specifically identified in a single chromatography unit operation.


Speaker: Kelly Flook, Sr. Manager, Product Management, Purification Products, Thermo Fisher Scientific


Tuesday Lunch and Learn - Thermo
sandwich also Includes Kettle Chips, Pasta Salad, Seasonal Whole Fruit, Chocolate Chip Cookie. Please select one.

Title: Advanced LC Technologies for Increasingly Complex Molecules


Abstract: Recent advances in drug delivery modalities, such as LNPs, AAVs, and ADCs, have forced scientists to optimize their analytical methodology to keep up with ever-changing critical quality attributes (CQAs). Now, labs are inundated with instrumentation to get the answers they seek. With the ever-changing analyte complexity, Wyatt offers a suite of advanced detection methods and alternative separations to meet these demands and report multiple quality attributes (MQAs). This seminar will address potential solutions for characterization of proteins, peptides, gene therapy using SEC-MALS and FFF-MALS. Case studies for ADC, AOC, and proteins will be presented to illustrate the addition of MALS to standard chromatography.


Author/Presenter: Benjamin Pulminskas is a field application scientist at Wyatt Technology LLC. He obtained his BS in Chemistry from Norwich University in Northfield, VT and MS in Chemistry from Northeastern University in Boston, MA. His research and professional focusses have been in analytical separation methods for proteins and gene therapies. Benjamin joined Wyatt Technology in 2022 and is Wyatt’s subject matter expert on light scattering based out of Atlanta, GA.


Tuesday Lunch and Learn - Waters
sandwich also Includes Kettle Chips, Pasta Salad, Seasonal Whole Fruit, Chocolate Chip Cookie. Please select one.