Researchers with new results in areas relevant to the meeting topics are encouraged to submit abstracts for oral and/or poster presentation consideration.
                                         (*) = required information
TO MAKE AN ABSTRACT SUBMISSION, please fill in the form below, and then press the SUBMIT button located at the bottom. ORAL abstract deadline is August 1, 2024. Poster abstracts may be submitted now through September 30th, 2024 to be included in the final program. It is assumed that the presenting author of a submission for oral consideration will have adequate command of English to present and to respond to questions. If that is not the case, the author should choose a poster as their preference. The presenting author must be one of the co-authors listed on the submitted abstract. Please enter the complete list of authors making sure to include the presenter and main contact for your submission (be sure to include your name) in the order in which they will appear on the abstract. You can add as many author slots as you want, to accommodate the total number of authors for your submission. ALL fields MUST be completed for each author and co-author. Each abstract submitter agrees to the Privacy Policy located at ISPPP.org.
INTENT TO SUBMIT / WAITING FOR COMPANY APPROVAL:Â If you cannot submit the abstract prior to company approval by the date the abstract is due (please see the link to “Key Dates” at ISPPP.org), please be sure to submit as a placeholder online the title, authors and a brief description of the kind of material that you would like to present, and indicate when approval is expected. This material will be kept confidential. It is your responsibility to submit the abstract upon approval.Â